Category Archives: ironic musings

Moving discoveries

My husband and I are in the process of moving, and as such I post from my Droid via WordPress app until we can get internet in our new place… probably late this week or early next week. Lack of internet is unnerving for me, to say the least! But I have discovered I don’t go into convulsions after all… of course internet on my phone helps, but still. Life goes on without high speed internet on my laptop.

I made other discoveries the last few days. For example, a dusty pair of black dress shoes that I realized I’ve worn maybe once in the last 8 years. They did NOT go in the Goodwill pile because I realized that every woman needs one part of butt-ugly dress shoes for stuffy interviews and the occasional funeral. I have NO plans to wear those shoes any time soon, but I figured I better keep them.

I also discovered that friends who are willing to help you move are priceless, and ones you trust with your underwear drawer are even MORE priceless. Forget worrying about your jewelry, guys who see your butterfly designed underwear and DON’T crack a joke are pretty darn cool in my book.

I discovered we found ourselves a new home that fits us. It reminds me of the one I grew up in, and its just enough country to bring out my inner cowgirl. I might just have to get myself a pair of Wrangler jeans sometime this year!

Finally, I discovered once again what a great team my husband and I make. I swear moving has to be in the top 10 causes of divorce! It’s so ridiculously stressful. We have both been on edge here and there. At times I have been so overwhelmed that I just wanted to sit in the middle of piles of boxes and bawl!! But not once have we failed to lean on each other on those stress-filled times, often ending up high-fiving instead of bickering. We rock harder than ever. And that’s pretty darn cool of a discovery.

Night owl

Its 4 am.

Yes, you read that right. 4 am. This is not an unusual hour for me. It’s about bed time, I suppose, and I write this from my bed. Quality time with my blog tonight, I guess you could say.

I’m a night owl. I am sure many people think this fact is due to my having married a musician who is, by profession, a night owl himself. However, I think a big part of why my husband and I ever hit it off is the simple fact that I’ve pretty much always been a night owl.

I remember back in Elementary school, I was baffled about how none of my classmates knew that at 10:30 pm, after the news, M*A*S*H came on for half an hour. Bed time was always after that show, of course, but it was perfectly normal for me to stay up to watch the show!

My classmates were all in bed by, I assumed, 8 or 9 pm. Me? I’d be up until 11 pm, mostly because there was no point to my going to bed any earlier. I wasn’t going to sleep anyway!

In high school, I was introduced to After MidNite with Blair Garner while I did homework. IF I was done with my homework, I’d still lay in bed awake until all hours listening to the radio host’s antics. If there was an artist I was really interested in being interviewed, I’d be awake until 3 am easily… waiting to hear the interview.

Now, all this being said, I’ve never been a morning person. I can remember in Elementary school, I’d get up and have cereal for breakfast. I’d build myself a fort out of cereal boxes around my bowl in an attempt to keep the light out. I already didn’t think the day should even consider starting before 10 am. At the earliest.

Somewhere along the way, I learned how to live on about 4 hours of sleep. I did that through most of college. Go to bed around 3 am. Get up by 6 or 7 am. Drive to 8 am classes. I kept this schedule up into my job at a newspaper… staying up late, though, to talk to a guy instead of to do homework.

I married that guy.

I moved to Nashville.

My night owl-ness got worse.

You can ask most of my friends here in Nashville. This fact is not unusual. It’s almost a, “Welcome to Nashville,” phenomenon.

However, its not when we go out, or if I pick up a night working downtown at the bar, that my being a night owl takes a ridiculous turn. While I’ve driven home from downtown while the sun rises, its actually when my husband goes on the road that I stay up super late. You see, sunrise offers me some sort of strange security blanket. Its like the first rays of light bring with them this sense of safety. Like I can relax and go into that vulnerable sleep-state.

I sleep as the sunrises. I wake as most go to lunch. Some days, I wake as the school bus drops off neighborhood kids. I have coffee and cereal, as they have candy bars and cokes. This is normal for me.

I try hard to adjust my schedule from time to time. I miss daylight, and I force myself up by 10 or 11 am. However, I often still stay up late after that… and I find myself sleeping even later than normal the next day to compensate! Its at times like that, that I realize that sometimes its not worth fighting the body’s natural clock. I’ll fight it when we have kids. For now, I’ll just stay a night owl.

It is what it is. And what it is now… bedtime.