Tag Archives: me

Blatantly begging for attention

All right ya’ll. I’m here to confess. It’s my birthday, and I want attention. I want the world to go, “Hey! Happy Birthday! You rock!” even if in the grand scheme of the world, its a minor thing. Because for me, its a big deal. It’s my birthday. And I am now 30.

As if this post isn’t a blatant attempt to invite lurkers to comment beg birthday wishes, I’ve given plenty of heads up to everyone this year. Specifically here, here, here and here. On top of this, I’ve declared this my birthday WEEK since it lands on a Wednesday.

I got a card yesterday in the mail in which my friend told me to, “Party like its 1914!” (Love that girl… she never fails to crack me up. You gotta have that kind of friend in your life.) And, well, I guess you could say I AM going to party like its 1914. We’re keeping it simple. Dinner out with my parents and husband, and then watching the CMAs on TV. I am fully prepared to throw things at the TV, but I still can’t wait to watch and root for my friends.

So there you have it. My birthday plans. I promise to go back to your regularly scheduled blogging tomorrow. For now… send me good wishes. *nods* I encourage that kind of behavior.

*Scheduled this to post at the time I was born. :)