Tag Archives: random musings

Letters to Santa

038: Dear SantaYesterday, I read a column in the Washington Post about the number of adults writing letters to Santa this year. Then, I saw several national news articles on the same topic. It made me equal parts sad, hopeful, and nostalgic.

It pulled at my heart to know so many this year are in such dire need they’ve reached for their last resort. Perhaps its in a fit of frustration. Perhaps these letters were written more for therapy. Or perhaps they were written with the deep hope they would truly be answered. Blind letters sent out to Santa asking for food, clothing, or a little help with the bills. It shows the true state of our economy. A far cry from the rosey photo the news media tries to paint with, “Spending and sales are up this year! Showing an upturn in our economy!”

However, the letters also gave me a ray of hope, in that they are being read, and others are definitely trying to help where they can. Strangers helping strangers. A hand held out to one another. Together we rise and pull through the tough times we find ourselves in today. There’s no shame in asking for help. There is only shame in refusing to help when you really could.

Nostalgia runs wild when it comes to letters to Santa. I remember writing a yearly letter to Santa in school to be published in the local newspaper for all to read. You’d ask for the hottest new toy and maybe a bike. Then half the fun of reading the letters is all the misspellings (which as a former newspaper writer is hard to leave in when you’re typing those suckers up!) which just adds a bit of fun to the whole thing.

I think deep down we all still believe in Santa. We all still want to believe there’s a man out there who every Christmas Eve travels the globe to bring gifts to good little boys and girls. We still, deep down, get up on Christmas morning and look under the tree to see if maybe, just maybe, that jolly old man made a stop by our house this year.

If I wrote a letter to Santa this year, I’d be among those asking for a little help getting through the next couple months. But I’d also throw in a wish for a new camera, and maybe some bubble bath if he’s got time. A couple new movies and a pair of new boots. A laptop with the newest version of Photoshop would be pushing it, but, hey, wouldn’t hurt to ask! That’s the fun of Santa, you can ask for the serious right along side the way out there stuff.

What would you ask for if you wrote a letter to Santa? Would it be frivolous or serious? A mixture of both? Its all a part of the fun of the season… so get out that pen and paper and write a letter. Who knows… some of it just might come true.

One of those days that makes you laugh

Occasionally, I have days that make me go, “What?” Today, so far, has been one of those days.  So in a rare moment of story telling, I’ve decided to regale everyone with my Friday. I even come baring pictures!

First off, I think maybe I’ve broken my insomnia. Maybe. Last night was the first night in over a week that I slept at night. Not naps through the day. I slept at night, and I woke up feeling FABULOUS. So YAY to that!

I woke up to find I’d typed the wrong date on a flyer the night before. It’s what I get for designing while sleep deprived. But on the up side, it was easy to fix. Here is the final product:

So anyone in Nashville with spare coats, please bring them out! We start gathering the coats next week!

Anyway, up “early” for me, I was a little discombobulated with where to start! I have plenty to be doing with packing, etc. But, I was to get boxes from a friend after 4 pm, and I really didn’t want to run errands, come home, then go back out again. I’m a big fan of killing a whole bunch of birds with one stone. (Or for an Angry Birds analogy, a bunch of pigs with one bird.) So, I puttered around the house. Made a to do list, finally. Started to break down the guest bedroom so we can use it as a storage room for boxes as they are filled. Etc. Grabbed a shower.

Finally, it was time to head out. First stop was the post office. Which is NEVER a pleasant experience. Taking stamp machines out of post offices was, in my opinion, the biggest disservice ever to customers. Four of us in line waited almost 20 minutes to buy stamps as those ahead of us shipped packages — some of which had to be set up to go through Customs. But, at least the lady who waited on me was pleasant and cracked me up several times in the 30 seconds it took for my transaction. And my Christmas cards finally hit the mail today. YAY!

Then, it was off to throw some gas in the truck. I just wanted to put $20 in to give myself a little extra cushion. On my way, I got a phone call for a little design work, which is another a yay!

I pulled up to the Kroger gas pumps, and found them lined up three deep all the way across. Hey, you gotta get the best price you can get! I wasn’t in any hurry, so I pulled up behind an SUV on the end. Another truck pulled in behind me. A car, I noticed, was coming towards us, but there was no where any of us could go. Can you say gridlock?

Anyway, as I finished my phone call, the lady in the car that had been coming at me, laid on her horn. I looked over to see her flailing her arms at me to move because she couldn’t get out. I looked around and thought, “Now, where does she expect me to GO!?” If I pulled forward, I’d rear end the SUV. If I backed up, I’d back into the truck behind me. Plus, its not like my truck turns on a dime, (I really think everyone should drive a pick up truck at some point… car drivers tend to have NO CLUE that trucks don’t turn as tight as cars) so making any spectacular turns and shimmies was impossible. Should I get out, and try to push my truck sideways? I was baffled on what, exactly, she wanted me to do.

The SUV in front of me noticed the flailing honking woman, and she could roll forward about 2 feet. So she did… then I did… then the truck behind me backed up and let flailing honking woman get out. I, of course, proceeded to Twitter my annoyance with the woman while I waited my turn.

I finally filled up, and pulled away from the pumps to let the guy behind me fill up. I found a place to park and put my debit card away. Oh and to continue Twittering my annoyance.

Mid-Twitter-rant, I got a picture message from my sister-in-law. She doesn’t text much, so when she does, I know it has to be good. I opened it and, and boy was it good! Downright awesome. Good Bull if you will.

She sent me this:


My nephew with former Texas A&M head coach RC Slocum!!! I literally squealed out loud, and, of course, proceeded to share it on Twitter and Facebook. Because I like to over share. And because it made me so ridiculously happy! I still keep looking at the picture and grinning from ear to ear. LOVE LOVE LOVE this picture. LOVE.

I finished my over sharing, and I headed to Starbucks. I had a postcard from Starbucks for a free drink for my birthday, and it was about to expire. So I went and grabbed myself a free Peppermint Mocha. I saw this mug as I waited, and if I had a little extra cash to spare, I’d have totally snagged it:

I have way too many coffee mugs anyway, but is that not the coolest mug!? And it was huge!

Anyway, as I left Starbucks, I saw him. Santa on a Harley. Yes, you read that right. Santa. On. A. Harley. So you know what I did, right? I followed him. I literally stalked Santa. For about five minutes, I followed him until I got to where I could snap a photo.

Santa rides a HarleySanta rides a Harley

How can you not get a smile from Santa on a Harley? Especially when, as I followed him, I watched little kids jump up and down and point and wave and squeal. SANTA!

Flailing honking woman forgotten… this was what the season was about. Garnering joy from watching others.

My attitude was adjusted for the rest of the day.

I headed to get boxes from my friend, and I found myself going out of my way to be courteous to others. I made sure a man and his son could cross the street safely by stopping and letting them cross in front of me. I let others merge ahead of me. So I lost maybe five minutes in my day… it made me feel good and happy to do so! It’s CHRISTMAS for goodness sakes! We should be a little more patient and helpful. We should smile more and care more.

I got home safely, with a different spring in my step. Now, I finish writing this to go start packing the office up. It’s been a strange day, but it gave me stories to tell. It ultimately made me smile and reminded me that while this can be a stressful time of year, it can also be one that makes you laugh.