Tag Archives: reminder

Sometimes, you need a reminder

I can’t remember if I have yet explained why I am in Texas long-term right now. If I have, forgive me for being redundant. If I haven’t, forgive me for my failure to share with the rest of the class.

My parents are small business owners. The “family business” is a bookkeeping and income tax preparation service. (Trying to find someone to do your taxes? We’re here for you!) I’ve worked with the business since, basically, high school. I do things like designing advertising and the web-site. Then I do a lot of basic office stuff, data input and stuff. I also put the final touches on the tax returns. In other words, I just make them look pretty.

So, for the last few years, I spend about 90% of my time from January – April in Texas with my parents. It’s when I’m the one “on the road for work.” My husband and I are pros at this, remember?

Even so, sometimes… sometimes the miles are felt a little more than other times. When you start to wonder if your spouse misses you as much as you miss them. Last night, I was having one of those nights. We were chatting online, but… I dunno. I just wasn’t with it, I guess.

Then he said it. “I miss you.” And… that made me feel really good.

Oh, I really deep down didn’t have any doubts that he did. I truly didn’t, in my heart. But sometimes the brain takes over and starts going places it doesn’t belong. It’s in those times, those little reminders mean the world. It’s like giving the brain a little kernel to lead it back to where it belongs… brings it back to focus on reality.

Generally, you assume your loved ones know how you feel, and chances are, they do. (Heck, there is SERIOUS sense of comfort in knowing how people feel about you, and knowing they know how you feel about them.)  But those little reminders… those moments when you truly say how you feel… those moments are priceless.

Oh, like I said, I knew my husband was missing me. I did. But man, I had an extra spring in my step all day today after he said it last night. Because sometimes… sometimes you just need that reminder. And last night, I got mine.