Tag Archives: valentines

Valentine’s memories

Oh Valentines Day… A day people either love or hate. For me… It’s one that makes a lot of memories through the years.

I remember in high school, the parade of girls called to the office to see flowers sent by their boyfriends. My first taste of the day feeling like it was more about showing off to your friends than being shown love by someone.

My first concert ever was on Valentine’s Day. Bryan White headlined in 1997 in Waco, Texas. I’m serious when I say this Valentines was a pivotal one In my life. It lead to my going to Fan Fair that year, which made me fall in love with Nashville. It lead to me meeting the people who would eventually lead me to meeting my husband.

One of the first times I ever got flowers in general was on Valentine’s Day from a guy thanking me for being his friend. He became my husband years later.

In 2006, I was struck with an abscessed tooth on Valentine’s Day. It lead to years of extensive dental work (still a work in a progress) that gave me a new smile and a new confidence I never thought I needed.

Valentine’s lands during tax season, so I’m usually in Texas. As such, it’s been five years since I spent the day with my husband. But every year he’s sent me flowers. At work. And I gotta admit… I love, love, love it.

Flying right now to Nashville and I am all kinds of excited to spend this evening with my husband. Love him with all my heart, and I can’t wait to just curl up on the couch together with Netflix and our cats.

I confess… I asked for flowers again. Because I just love getting flowers. Never thought I’d be that girl, but I am.

And yes… Yes there will be pictures. Consider it me parading to the office to see my flowers and show off to everyone else.


Valentine’s thoughts


Happy Valentine’s Day!

Ahhh… Valentine’s Day. The holiday that is hated as much as it is loved.

Singles hate it. Couples enjoy it. Many find it unnecessary. Others hinge their entire month on it.

I, personally, like it. It was the day that my now husband and I said, “I love you,” the first time. (I think it was along the lines of, “Dammit, Denise, you know I love you!” hehe) And I gotta admit, I do love getting roses every year. I even got a special gift for my husband this year, and I can’t wait to give it to him when I see him next week.

I adore getting Valentine’s from my niece and nephew. And I love to find something for them. I especially love trying to find something that ISN’T chocolate or any other candy.

Valentine’s Day, to me, celebrates love in general. Romantic love is the love that gets the most focus, but I don’t think it needs to get ALL the focus. You love your family. You love your friends. You love your pets. Heck… love yourself! Celebrate it all!

I hope everyone out there had a wonderful day. I hope you all know that you are loved. Happy Valentine’s Day!