Tag Archives: work

Tax season draws to a close

You’d think I’d be doing a major happy dance to see tax season come to an end. And I am!

But I admit, it also comes with a tinge of sadness, too. There’s always things left that I didn’t get to do during my time in Texas for tax season. And I do so enjoy having so much time with family. I love my parents. I adore my niece and nephew. And there just never seems to be enough down time to spend with all of them.

This tax season was one that I was really the most healthy! No major sinus infections for a change, and I got the tooth ache thing over with early. It was nice to not be miserable for chunks of time. (And it was quite telling how many clients came in and commented that I felt so good for a change!)

It was also one of the craziest work-wise. It was the first season that as April 15th drew near I started to feel panicked that we weren’t going to make it. In fact April 15th is usually a pretty relaxed day at the office. Last minute pick-ups are about all we deal with. Today we were battling computers, lists, double checking the lists, getting things done… it wasn’t awful, but it also wasn’t as relaxed as usual.

But, its done. It’s in the books. Now on to the long list of extensions we filed. Now on to normal life again. Back to Nashville soon. Back to the bar and back to more focus on this blog and photography.

I look forward to good things this year… and I’m excited for it! But… I AM a little sad, too. And for now I think that just means all is right in the world, and that I am happy wherever I am and it means that I am also always sad to leave no matter what.

Over it!

I am generally an optimistic person. But as I sit here and write this blog, I’m over people in general.

“Over it!” one of my fellow bartenders and I sometimes shouted to each other last night as we dashed by each other, overwhelmed by the sheer volume of people. No. Wait. Let me clarify. Sheer volume of IMPATIENT people.

I can handle a busy bar. I actually relish it and enjoy the interaction and the fast pace. Often busy night are nights I feel most “on my game.” Makes the night go by fast as well, and it usually leaves me very happy with my pocketbook at the end of the night.

But what leaves me overwhelmed and hating people for days following a rough night is when people are impatient and rude about it. When they put on blinders and decide THEY are the queen or king of the bar and if you don’t serve them in two seconds you’re a worthless bartender. And that… hurts. Because we’re working as fast as we can, haven’t had a pee break in hours, nor had a second to take a sip of water, generally are sweating like crazy from running ourselves so hard… and still nothing we do will ever be right. I had more than a few moments last night that I wanted to just stop running and have a good cry.

See some of my bar tips for customers from a bartender’s perspective.

I suppose such a thing can happen in any job, and that’s why I TRY to give people I interact with in various scenarios the benefit of the doubt.

Just tonight, my husband got very frustrated when two people at the local McDonalds couldn’t figure out our change correctly, and I finally had to correct them to get the show on the road. I tried to give them the benefit of the doubt… they don’t teach how to count back change any more in schools, and even I have my  nights where I need to take a tab to the register to get the amount right that they owe. I told him I blame management as well for not ensuring their employees can think through a transaction versus being just drones that punch buttons on a keypad. (I make similar rants about sackers at grocery stores who put bleach with my fruit.)

But at the end of the day, I have to agree with him that some things are simply being a good employee. Some things are about wanting to work your way up the ladder of success versus just drawing a paycheck. Or in the same breath (and on the flip side) its simply being a good customer and realizing when it’s your turn you’ll be treated like the only customer… but only after you let the other guy get the same treatment.

It goes BOTH ways.

So tonight… having been on both sides of a rough business transaction in the last two days, I’m just done. Done with people. Done with business. Done.

Can someone bring me a shot?