Category Archives: business


1234About a month ago, maybe two months at this point, I started noticing the recurrence of “1234” around me. Mostly the fact that I had to crazy habit of looking at the clock at either 12:34 or 1:23. Or more recently 2:34. All. The. Time.

It actually have gotten to the point in which if I am confronted with any variation of that number, I go, “Of course it is!”

So anyone who knows me well know that I am a big fan of Googling things. (Hey, I’ve already diagnosed myself with every disease known to man at some point.)  And here is what I found…

From ANGEL NUMBERS – Joanne Sacred Scribes:

Number 1 encourages you to step forward and start something new, different and life-changing.  Number 2 sets you on your course with balance, faith and ability, and number 3 sees expansion of concepts and life-themes, and expressing and communicating from your authentic self.  Number 4 encourages stability working steadily towards goals.  Angel Number 1234 can be seen as a number of progression and/or steps along a journey or life path.

From Angel Therapy:

When you repeatedly see the number sequences 123 or 1234, it’s a sign to simplify your life. The perfect sequence of 1, followed by 2, then 3, then 4, signals that it’s time for you to make your life more predictable and simpler.

Finally from Spiritual Path:

1234, 234, 345 – If you are repeatedly seeing ascending number sequences such as 1234, this is a sign from your Spirit Guides that these are progressive thoughts. You will see this sign when thinking about an area of your life that you are concerned about and want to change, or when thinking about a particular subject. Seeing this number sequence immediately after these thoughts is a sign that your thoughts are progressive; your life will progress by following these thoughts and you will have your Spirit Guides support in its pursuit.

So long story short, I get the feeling my guardian angels are telling me its time to make changes and move forward. But where do I go? What do I do?

Perhaps this is a good time to do an update on my life and then where I see things going from here.

I’ve written about our plans and dreams to open a bar. That plan and dream is just as strong as ever. In fact, this whole number thing started not long after we got our business plan shipped off to investors. It also happened not long after we found out the building we’d had our sights set on was no longer an option. From a business sense, I totally understood. From a personal sense, its a bit overwhelming to know something you’ve spent a year working on, and are thousands of dollars in debt for, is on hold and you have no true direction at the moment.

I’ve chosen to accept this as a sign that building wasn’t meant to be, but the urge is still there. The dream is ever alive, and it WILL happen. I just feel like I have a lot more to learn before we dive into such a big endeavor with both feet. We need to be in a better place. We need to take steps to BE in that better place.

Snapchat-1558766510991349381So meanwhile, my husband is back to driving tour bus full time. He’d gone back to playing music as his focus for a period of time, because, frankly, he is a musician. Period. We will forever be a musician. It’s part of his DNA. I love that fact, and I’d have it no other way.

However, as I mentioned, thousands of dollars in debt. And while the music could pay our bills, it doesn’t dig us out of that debt. Thankfully, he’s found a permanent “seat” with a wonderful duet. They love him, and he loves the group. He even now has a brand new bus to drive. I think he’s pretty happy. In his heart, he’d obviously prefer to be playing music, but he’s absolutely found the best world he could be in driving.

As for me and that number sequence thing… I have so many directions I love and want to go! And somehow, three of them are really starting to come to light more again.

For one, I want to focus on writing. What do I want to write? I don’t know. But I’ve made up my mind I want to write and now I’m waiting for that spirit guide that has been throwing me numbers to give me some direction on that.

Until then, my love for photography is strong as ever. My 365 I’ve been doing on Instagram this year has been so much fun, but I’m missing quality time with my DSLR. This weekend, I get to embark on my first job as a second shooter for a wedding. This has been on my wish list of jobs for about four years, and it kind of came to me. I’m terrified. I’m excited. I’m thankful. I’ll let you know how it goes.

Snapchat-8421524050292611585-editedFinally, I’m a bartender. I can’t turn it off. I’m not the best bartender to ever sling a drink, but I think I’m pretty good. And I enjoy it. I’ve just been hired on a sub-bartender and tour desk attendant at my favorite brewery in Nashville. Another thing I’ve thought about for years applying to do… and trust me I got the ribbing from others about that. “You are finally here!” I love it. This brewery for some reason has a part of my heart, and I’m excited to officially be on staff representing them.

Meanwhile in all of this, I’ve officially been named President of the local alumni chapter, and I’m still active with the golf tournament benefiting CASA. I stay busy, and I love that. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Simplify my life (as Angel Therapy above)? No, I don’t think that’s the answer. I think the answer is to just be more proactive, and move forward. Something I am very excited to be doing.

Entrepreneurial lessons

IMG_20160206_092837There is one thing I never want to stop doing, and that is learning. The more you know, the better.

I haven’t written much about mine and my husband’s work towards being bar owners. And until its further along in the process, I’m not going to do so. But suffice to say, we’ve been working on this venture for over a year. And for awhile now, I’ve felt really bad that we aren’t further along than we are. But that all changed this weekend.

This weekend, I attended Aggie Entrepreneurship Saturday in Houston, Texas. It was an opportunity to learn from other Entrepreneurs things I need to know as I start my business. My parents came with me to learn what they can do to improve theirs.


You know what my biggest take-away was from the event? That its perfectly okay that we’ve taken this long, because we’ve been careful. We’re making sure our business plan is as complete as possible and that we truly know what we are doing. We want to have answers to questions before they are asked… or at the very least know how to get those answers.

For as much as I learned I am on the right track, I also learned so many things that I never thought about ahead of time. I learned marketing strategies, and legal issues. I learned I need to stop just taking people at their word, and I need to truly research them and their credentials.

I learned a lot about funding… mostly on how to look the best I can to investors and creditors. I learned the mistakes many business owners make (and I am a big fan of learned from mistakes — both mine and other’s.) I discovered how important your terminology and point of view can be. I learned about percentages of ownership and the importance of setting in stone ahead of time everyone’s jobs and expectations.

It’s easy to think, “Oh just go get some money and open a business.” But its SO much more than that. So much more. And ultimately,  I left rejuvenated in our endeavor. I left wiser and more confident.

I tweeted my favorite notes throughout the day… if you’d care to see those tweets, check them out HERE. 


I absolutely can’t thank the people who made this day possible enough… The Association of Former Students, Startup Aggieland, TAMU Young Alumni, and Mays Business School. I hope to catch another one and keep learning!Â