July has not been kind

I have no idea what any of us did to July to make it so harsh this year, but whatever it is, I think I speak for almost everyone, we’re sorry!

I’ve mentioned a few things I’ve experienced this month in this blog. And I’ve left other things out. (Perhaps those will come in a later blog entry.) But all around me, I’ve heard tales of tragedy and hardships.

My two best friends have both had cancer strike their families. My “best friend from high school” has a aunt that was diagnosed, and my “best friend from college” had her mother-in-law diagnosed. Both within a day of each other.

A friend here in Nashville has a nephew that has been diagnosed with cancer as well.

An acquaintance from high school had tragedy strike, leaving her brother and a nephew in a burn unit in Dallas. Her other nephew, however, did not survive the accident.

A client of my family’s business had a heart attack and was left in ICU (out of state!) for a few days because of it.

My own nephew, today, is having a doctors appointment in Dallas regarding his Muscular Dystrophy. These regular appointments are key to his doing as well as he has done all these years, but I also know the appointments are stressful and carry a level of uncertainty every time.

All of these events have weighed heavy on my heart. Each event — every single one of them — are valid concerns and stressors. While some may be considered more “severe” than others, it does not lessen the feelings that come with each and every one.

All I can do, all so many of us can do, is simply say a few prayers for strength and comfort for each person and family affected by these negative events.  I often find myself wondering why? Why do these things happen? Why so many all at the same time?

Then I remind myself, sometimes the reason is not for us to know. Or perhaps the reason will come to light in the future. No matter what, we all pull together and help each other. We support each other. And in the end, we grow from these challenges. They make us appreciate the good times more. They make us work a little harder.

Hang in there everyone. We’re all going to get through all our various trials by taking it a day at a time and by leaning on each other. I welcome anyone needing a place to vent or to share their own story –  no matter how trivial or how extreme — in the comments. Sometimes it helps just to talk, and I’m a good listener.

Attack of the return address labels

I am drowning in a sea of return address labels!

They just keep coming. Every day, another set of labels appears in my mail box.

See, its how they get you. You donate to an organization or a cause, and suddenly every organization and cause wants your money. And they get you by sending you a “free gift.” 99% of the time, its a set of return address labels.

They just keep coming! Attack of the return address labels!

Why? Because they know that every time you use one of those labels you’ll get this deep feeling of guilt, if you didn’t donate. Every birthday card. Every anniversary card. Every thinking of you card. Every bill. This feeling of GUILT.

It’s enough to drive a woman mad!

It sometimes makes me wonder why any company ever offers to sell you return address labels. Surely all these non-profits keep them busy enough already!

In all seriousness, I wish with all my heart I could donate to every organization and every cause… even the ones that DON’T send me return address labels. But I don’t have an infinite pool of funds from which to give, and until that day comes, I have to pick and choose.

Meanwhile, my collection of return address labels is taking up over half of my mail organizer, and I just don’t send much via USPS any more. So some of these labels I’ve had for over a year, and I’ve already received my, “brand new set of labels as our thanks to you!”

Well, you’re welcome. My pleasure. Happy to help.

Now what?

I spent today brainstorming on creative ways to use my abundance of return address labels. Here’s what I came up with:

  1. Mark items as mine that I take to any gathering. I remember my mom would do that when she’d take a casserole or a salad to a potluck supper. It always seemed brilliant to me. Not only did it mark her bowl or serving spoon as hers, but if for some reason we had to leave early, whomever took it would know where to find us and return the item.
  2. Instead of writing my name in a book, use an address label! I don’t loan out books as much as I used to, but if I ever do, it would be easier to do that than to write my name inside.
  3. Luggage tags!
  4. Send more snail mail!
  5. Keep a set in my purse for if I am ever at a conference where you can sign up for gifts, etc. Save me from writing my name and address over and over again; plus no chance of it being illegible.
  6. I thought about using it to tag my cat in case he ever gets lost, but I figured he wouldn’t like that too much.
  7. Same for my husband.
  8. Send more mail. Any time I get a surprise card in the mail, it just brightens my day. Perhaps I should just send more notes and cards. Postcards don’t cost too much send, and the joy it might bring to someone would make them priceless.

So perhaps I can turn my attack of the return address labels into something positive instead of a guilt trip.

Anyone else have any ideas on ways to use return address labels in a new and creative way? I’m all ears!

Saint Theresa’s Prayer

May today there be peace within.
May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that
has been given to you.
May you be content knowing you are a child of God.
Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to
sing, dance, praise and love.
It is there for each and every one of us..