Weekly Winners (Oct. 31 – Nov. 6)

Weekly Winners is a fun little thing bloggers do to showcase some of their favorite photos from the previous week. It is brought to you, me and everyone by the lovely Lotus, aka Sarcastic Mom. Visit her site and find all the participants. See some amazing photos brought to you by bloggers around the world. Leave a little love when you do — its like food for the soul!

Weekly Winners

All but two of these were taken the same day…

Rockin' bat
A friend at Halloween. She was dressed up as a bat, and jokingly jamming out on this play guitar. Its my favorite shot I took all night on Halloween.

Fall leaves
Fall leaves

Fall leaves
Crunchy carpet

Fall leaves
Fall leaves

Fall leaves
It's a golden rain

Fall leaves - Cross Process
My favorite photo. I liked the original SOOC, but I applied a cross process in Picnik and fell in love even more.

Fall in the hollow

Setting sun

FxCam_Lamp symmetry
FXCam... Lamp symmetry

♥ ♥ ♥

Photos taken using a Nikon Coolpix L20 or my Droid Incredible.
View all of my photos available on my Flickr stream.

Self Portrait Saturdays comes to a close

BlogHer recently started a new series called “Own Your Beauty.” It focuses on changing the conversation about what beauty means.

Our mission: to encourage and remind grown women that it is never too late to learn to love one’s self and influence the lives of those around us – our mothers, friends, children, neighbors.

Each  month, there will be a different theme to focus on regarding what beauty is. October was Authenticity; this month is Imperfections. The goal in each month is to slowly change what is perceived as true beauty as opposed to commercial beauty. Along with each theme and goal there is “homework.”  This month’s homework is to take a self portrait every day for the month.

Ironically, this comes as I end a year-long photo project that I called “Self Portrait Saturdays.” It is exactly what it says, a self portrait taken ever Saturday. I took my first photo on November 14, 2010, and today, 52 Saturdays later, I take my last photo today.

It was fun! I thought it would just show me weight fluctuations and hair color changes. Instead it showed me travels, emotions and various events of my life this last year. Some of the photos are ones I absolutely love. Others I just phoned in and would love to re-do… but they wouldn’t be authentic if I did.

I’m not going to go on with this for another year. I start my next Project 365 this week, and I’m sure there will be plenty of self portraits within that. For anyone curious, you can see all 52 images in my Flickr photo album. I’ll close this entry with my first photo and then today’s photo.

Everyone definitely go check out the BlogHer series, though! I’m very excited about it and can’t wait to see what themes are yet to come.