Looking back at my 20s

30 Bound

I turn 30 tomorrow. I’m not bothered by that fact. I’ve actually looked forward to my 30s. For years, my gut has told me that my 30s will be the best years for me, so I embrace my third decade with open arms.

However, upon embracing my 30s, I thought I’d take a moment to look back at my 20s. Hit the highlights:

20: Started my years at Texas A&M University. Met the guy I’d eventually marry. The twin towers fell in New York. I became an aunt for the second time when my niece was born.

21: Legal to drink, of course. Started working at The Battalion. Visited Nashville.

22: Lost my last remaining grandparent. Wrecked my truck in a stupid accident. Quit The Battalion. Saw my first music video taped. Graduated from Texas A&M. Got Sully.  Took some time off due to serious burnout.

23: Bartending class. Started work at Marlin Democrat, and all the interesting things that brought along. Lots of concert travels.

24: Super emotional year of life! We will just leave it at that. Did a lot of growing emotionally.

25: Flew to Atlanta, then drove to Nashville to attend a wedding with Craig. Quit my job at the Democrat. Visited Oregon for the first time. Got engaged. Went to Hawaii. Moved to Nashville.

26: Got married. Trip to Oregon just to visit. Moved into our house. Started at the Dog House.

27: Adopted Bailey. Let the job juggling begin for hubby. Lots of house guests. Matron of honor in my maid of honor’s wedding. Christmas in Texas.

28: Christmas in Oregon. Project 365. Backstage at the Grand Ole Opry for the first time. My brother & family visit. 10 year class reunion. Got my bartending license in  Nashville. Trying to make it through life one day at a time.

29: Christmas in Texas. Much of the beginning of the year in Texas to work. Nashville flood. Stride & Ride at Cowboys Stadium. Decided to focus my attention towards writing. Lost Sully. Still taking it a day at a time. Chugging towards 30.

No idea what to expect for sure out of my 30s. My goals include starting a family, finding financial stability, and having my writing and photography really take off. All of which are reasonable and attainable goals. All of which are goals I WILL attain.

I’m ready. Bring it on!

It’s not even Thanksgiving yet!

044: Time to decorateMy parents took me tonight to pick out my birthday present — new clothes! YAY! However, while shopping, it was impossible to ignore all the Christmas music coming through the speakers. It was off-putting to say the least. A friend of mine that works in retail reported last night that in her store, every other song is now Christmas music. By the time December 25th arrives, I fear she might find a way to short-out the sound system in her store.

I can’t say I blame her.

See, I like Thanksgiving. A lot. But with everyone (read: retail) in such a hurry to get to Christmas, it feels like the holiday gets lost. Halloween is huge, then Christmas is huge, but Thanksgiving… well, it’s practically ignored. It’s such an important holiday — it’s a time to take a moment and count your blessings — yet instead, the focus is on buying stuff. Buy, buy, buy! Spend! Spend! spend! Yes, its all about giving gifts to our loved ones, which is not a BAD thing, but I don’t think burying the importance of Thanksgiving is good either.

It wasn’t even Halloween yet, and Target already had half their seasonal section selling Christmas decorations. I wasn’t happy about that, but it was also all to the back of the store and it wasn’t the focus. Tonight, every store we went into had Christmas decorations up, and Bing Crosby singing “White Christmas.”

The sad thing is that I found myself singing along! I felt I should be shot myself for being dragged into that. Grrrr… Evil retail mind washing. I love Christmas music, but not in early November. Let me enjoy Fall and Thanksgiving, please, first.

Thank you.