Do I have a cat or a dog?

BaileyThe other night, I decided my cat is part dog.

I was sound asleep, when I felt my cat pounce on my legs. Now, this isn’t unusual at night when he decides he wants to snuggle. But this was different. This was with playful intent. Following the pounce was the jingle of a bell and a “merrrrr-ow!”

He wants to play.

I want to sleep.

Without opening my eyes, I sat up and fumbled around for the offending toy… and I tossed it out the door. The cat practically spun out trying to chase it.

I settled back to drift back off to sleep. I was almost there when, “OOmph!!” I was pounced on again, complete with bell jingle and mew.

Oh, so now my cat plays fetch, huh?

I must have groaned out loud or something, because my husband asked what was wrong.

“Apparently, our cat is now a dog,” I said grumpily.

I grabbed the toy and threw it as hard as I could… hearing it hit something with a thud in the next room.

The cat never came back, and I discovered the next day that my toss wedged the toy between the wall and a box. SCORE! The cat couldn’t get to his toy so he COULDN’T bring it back.

I think I’m going to start putting his toys away at night. No more games of mid-night fetch for me!

2 thoughts on “Do I have a cat or a dog?”

  1. Not even sure how to respond. I can just see all this happening. Since it didn’t happen to me I find it amusing. Bailey just wanted to play. But not great timing. Maybe later!

  2. I read this before, but re-reading it now makes me laaaaugh! I can just see it. Max slides on the tile when he gets going, and it’s incredibly amusing. But at night, Max goes to “bed” in “his” room and we retire to ours. Nothing like a few pieces of shredded cheese and a towel with catnip to get him occupied and sleepy!

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