Do I have a cat or a dog?

BaileyThe other night, I decided my cat is part dog.

I was sound asleep, when I felt my cat pounce on my legs. Now, this isn’t unusual at night when he decides he wants to snuggle. But this was different. This was with playful intent. Following the pounce was the jingle of a bell and a “merrrrr-ow!”

He wants to play.

I want to sleep.

Without opening my eyes, I sat up and fumbled around for the offending toy… and I tossed it out the door. The cat practically spun out trying to chase it.

I settled back to drift back off to sleep. I was almost there when, “OOmph!!” I was pounced on again, complete with bell jingle and mew.

Oh, so now my cat plays fetch, huh?

I must have groaned out loud or something, because my husband asked what was wrong.

“Apparently, our cat is now a dog,” I said grumpily.

I grabbed the toy and threw it as hard as I could… hearing it hit something with a thud in the next room.

The cat never came back, and I discovered the next day that my toss wedged the toy between the wall and a box. SCORE! The cat couldn’t get to his toy so he COULDN’T bring it back.

I think I’m going to start putting his toys away at night. No more games of mid-night fetch for me!

Top Ten Tuesday: Ways to get through a rainy day

Top Ten {Tuesday} I just stumbled upon “Top Ten Tuesday” thanks to a re-tweet on Twitter. Since Tuesdays do seem to be a day I struggle to get blog posts made, this just might by my Tuesday blogging saving grace. We will see!

Its projected to be a very rainy day here in Nashville, coming on the heels of a very snowy week last week. I think its safe to presume, most people around here are a little stir crazy! I know I’m getting there, that’s for sure.

So for my very first Top Ten Tuesday:

Ways to get through a rainy day

  1. Sleep. Of course, as I said, coming on the heels of a week’s worth of snow, it might not be the best option to sleep that much. I know sleep does a body good, but too much sleep can also do harm as well. According to WebMD, too much sleep can be associated with a host of medical problems, including diabetes, heart disease, and increased risk of death. HOWEVER, I’ve always found that sleeping to the sound of rain fall is some of the best sleep ever, so instead of sleeping the day away, grabbing an afternoon nap might be just the ticket to help get through a rainy day.
  2. Dress bright. I know, any men reading this are going, “What??” But I’ve found for myself that on dark dreary days, the best boost is to wear something with a little color. Anything other than just neutral colors. You’ll find the contrast to the outside weather to be a great boost in your mood!
  3. Clean. There is something about the rain falling and making the atmosphere clean that makes me want to clean inside, too. Take time to sweep the floors or run a vacuum over the carpet. You don’t have to do a major cleaning, but take the time inside to do one of those “necessary evil” chores.
  4. Attack an over due project. I read in my travels around the Weekly Winners participants about one woman who used her snow days to do some scrap booking she’s wanted to do. If you are stuck inside due to the rain, why not work on that project you keep putting off for a variety of reasons. Put up those shelves that need to be hung. Do some scrap booking. Organize your DVD collection. Whatever!
  5. Jump in puddles. Granted its winter, and it would probably mean a good case of pneumonia. But if it were warm outside, go play in the rain like you’re five again! Clothing can be washed. Shoes can be replaced. But the freedom that running through the rain brings? PRICELESS!
  6. Movies! Pop some popcorn and have a double, triple or quadruple feature!
  7. Read. I have two books right now waiting to be read and reviewed. Maybe a rainy day is just the perfect time to sit down and read. Preferably with a cup of coffee close-by.
  8. Write a letter. I heard on the news today that schools are taking cursive writing out of the curriculum, because kids prefer to type on their computers or phones. This made me so SAD. Nothing is as personal as a hand-written letter. Write a letter to your significant other. Write a letter to a family member or even a long-lost friend. Sure, you could do an email. That would be great, too. But wouldn’t writing it on paper make the day– and the message — much more special?
  9. For those of you at work or school, share your umbrella with someone. Walking in from the parking lot. Going in between classes. What a wonderful opportunity for a random act of kindness! You might make a new friend in the mean time… boosting both your mood and their mood all through a kind gesture.
  10. Eat a warm meal. To me, a rainy day cries out for a warm meal. Even if you’re on a diet, put the salad away. Have at least a warm bowl of soup. Whatever you do, get through a rainy day with a warm, fully tummy.

This post is linked up to Top Ten Tuesday at Oh Amanda