Think, don’t just do…

When I was a kid, I learned all my prayers for my religious education classes. I memorized them carefully, and over the years they became second nature. I could spout off any number of prayers almost like a robot.

Then, one day, in church we were challenged to really sit and think about those prayers. What were we really saying as we said our prayers at night, and did we mean them?

So I did just that. I sat down that night and really thought about the prayers I was praying… I couldn’t get past the first line. I was stuck. If I didn’t say them in the same rhythm and speed as I always said them, I couldn’t remember them. I couldn’t do it! I couldn’t think about it. I had to just do it.

Yesterday, I was brought back to that moment as I wrote up the steps to do one of the jobs I do at work. I’m going back to Nashville for the next week, and I wanted to make sure that anyone who sat down to do this one task could do it right. So I sat down to type up directions.

And I promptly got stuck. It’s so automatic for me today that I don’t think too hard about what I am doing. I just do it. I wasn’t sure if I should find it funny or alarming! Its often in doing things without thinking that mistakes are made.

So, I did the task one step at a time, stopping after each move to type up in detail what I did.

It was nerve wracking! As I’d finish typing up the last step, I’d go back to the task and go, “Okay, now what do I do?”  What’s the next step???

I got through it. A normal 15 minute job took me closer to an hour, but I’m quite proud of my little 12-step process now taped to the side of my desktop computer. I even peppered it with humor like, “Just do it right the first time, because I don’t feel like typing up the steps of how to fix it if things go wrong.” and my second to last step is, “Throw your hands in the air and yell, ‘DONE!'”

No reason to not find humor in my challenge of typing up the directions, right?

But, this isn’t a bad idea to do of any number of things, simply because it makes me stop and think about what I am doing. Heck, I might find I’ve been doing something wrong all along! Or I might find a BETTER way to do things, simply by taking the time to think about it more.

So, is there any tasks YOU would find it beneficial to write out the steps to?  Laundry? Dishes? How to give your cat a bath?

Red, red roses

I have a confession. I love red roses.

Valentine's Roses

Oh I always liked them, but I’ve grown to REALLY love them in the last few years. I carried Black Magic Roses in my wedding (deep red, almost maroon in color). I had red rose petals all over the main table at our wedding reception.

I love the way they smell. I love how silky the petals are. I love how they brighten up and beautify a room.

Valentine's Roses

My husband has spoiled me through the years with giving me roses on special occasions. Sometimes, “just because.” And maybe that’s part of why I love them.

I got roses yesterday for Valentine’s Day.

I have to admit… I had soooo hoped I would get roses. I’m usually very frugal. Roses are going to die eventually, and in that respect they could be seen as “a waste of money.” I would maybe even think sometimes that maybe my husband shouldn’t get them.

But… I like them. I wanted them. I really did. Deep down, I really, really did.

And I got them.

Every time I look at them now, I smile. Maybe even blush a little. Get that old giddy feeling from when we were dating.

Valentine's Roses

You gotta love that.