Cleaning my ring

The only rings I wear... all the time.

The other day, my hair kept getting tangled up in my wedding set. As I tried to dry it, I was constantly having to stop and gently try to extract my own hand from my hair as strands got caught between the wedding band and engagement ring. (I have the two soldered together, but there’s a little gap on the top between them.) After about the forth or fifth time, because I have a hard time learning from my mistakes apparently, I finally took my ring off to finish the job without incident.

Once I finally had my hair dry, flat ironed and styled, I picked my ring back up to put it back on my finger. It was then that I looked at it closer and realized it was horribly dirty. I didn’t know when I had last cleaned it!

I dropped the ring into some jewelry cleaning solution, and I was mildly alarmed by how cloudy the solution became immediately. (I later also dropped my college ring in as well, and that REALLY clouded things up!)  I waited the suggested 30 seconds before I fished the ring out and used the little brush that came in the solution on it to get between the stones. The diamonds on my engagement ring are suspended, and the space below them looked terrible!

It’s hard to believe I’ve been wearing the set for over four years now, the engagement ring for over five. As I rinsed the ring off, carefully making sure to remove all the solution from the metal, I couldn’t help but notice a deep scratch down one side.  Part of the area under the stones still didn’t come completely clean, even after I used the brush.

I have to confess, instead of being upset about the blemishes on my prized possession, I instead smiled. I was struck by the symbolism behind those scratches and stains. After four years of marriage, my husband and I have done our battles with life in general. We stand stronger than ever, but with some scratches and stains just the same. Our marriage means even more to us today than it did when it was brand new… just like my rings.

I never knew when that ring went on my finger, “As a symbol of [our] love and commitment” that symbolism would actually grow stronger. I was SO glad I took the time to shine up my favorite pieces of jewelry that day. My husband and I spend a lot of time apart due to work so little things often mean more than normal… in that moment of cleaning my ring, that piece of jewelry meant more than normal to me.

The love/hate list

1-20-11 SnowWith Valentine’s day a week away, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about love. Who I love. Things I love. What IS love? It’s a yearly trek of the brain and heart that this Hallmark Holiday brings me to take.

The other day I was struck by how many things are also things I “hate.” Things like:

I love/hate technology. Technology has brought about the ability to do things with ease. You can do more in five minutes today than our ancestors could do in a day. Technology and the internet has brought me friendships I’d have never had otherwise. It, ultimately, led to my meeting my husband. It’s given me knowledge and views of the world that would never have happened otherwise.

And yet, within that… technology has at times lead to families no longer sitting down at the dinner table together every night (instead opting to eat at the computer or TV). I spend more time trying to make my laptop work than I spend doing my job some days. I have found myself so reliant on my computer to be able to pay bills (again, something I LOVE being able to do!) or keep up with what I have to do each day that if I lose electricity or internet for more than a day or two… I’m up a creek!!

I love MDA/American Cancer Society/American Heart Association, etc. I hate that they have to exist. I am forever grateful for the things MDA has done for my nephew. I look at all the good all these organizations do to raise money to find a cure for all kinds of diseases, etc. and I am SO thankful. I love the people to spend their lives trying to help others.

I hate they have to exist at all. It’s not my place to ask why or question God’s plan. But I think its natural to look at those stricken by muscular dystrophy, cancer, heart disease, etc. and go, “WHY!?!”  I see someone struggle, and it hurts my heart. It makes me angry to see someone have to fight so hard to live.

I love music. I hate the music industry. I love music. Love. Music. I love that my husband loves music and is able to make a living making music on the road. I love all my musician friends. All the songwriters. The melodies that define our lives. Country. Rock. Jazz. Pop. Classical. I love it ALL.

I hate the “industry” side of music. The side that says all that matters is the dollar. The side that crushes dreams of the truly talented to promote those based on looks or age. The side that will look at someone and say, “You’re too old.” or “You just aren’t hip enough.” even if that person is the one who has a talent that no one can match. It makes so sense. It’s left me cynical.

I love to cook. I hate doing dishes. Thankfully, hubby doesn’t mind doing dishes. And then there’s that magical thing called a dishwasher. So. There’s that at least.

I love being much more money-savvy. I hate what I’ve had to go through to get there. I have a much greater respect for money these days, and I am better at budgeting than I’ve ever been in life. I am more grateful for what I have than ever before. I see hidden costs and expectations that I didn’t see before. I know the difference between want and need. I hate the struggles we had to go through recently. When I’ve told people I am broke, I am not just saying that. I can prove it. Legally. I hate that. But I love the reality check it gave me, making it not so bad.

I love snow. I hate how it shuts things down.

I love football. I hate obnoxious fans.

I love my cell phone. I hate making phone calls.

I love alone time. I hate being lonely.

I love to travel. I hate packing.

It’s all checks and balances I suppose. We take the good with the bad, ideally focusing on the good over the bad. I know I look at the things I love as things I love, far stronger than the things I hate.

What is on your love/hate list?