A good book and a cup of coffee

I sat staring at my laptop screen. Visiting the usual haunts. Twitter. Facebook. Flickr. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

I felt lethargic. The previous day’s lawn work and heat left me aching all over. All I really wanted to do was lay on the couch with a cup of coffee. Beautiful sunshine, however, beckoned me outside. I finally consented, grabbing a book and my coffee. I stepped outside, braced for heat and humidity. Instead, a light breeze ruffled my hair. It was warm, but not too hot. I found myself wanting to do cartwheels in the yard or make chalk drawings on the driveway.

227: A good book and a cup of coffeeInstead, I plopped myself down in my porch swing. I put my feet up, and I proceeded read four chapters of my book, breaking only to refill my coffee mug.

I found myself wondering why I don’t do it more often. I listened to a neighbor mow their lawn. I watched cars go up and down the street. My American flag fluttered in the breeze, making the pole creak gently against the house.

My life won’t always afford me the time and opportunity to take moments to slow down and enjoy the moment I am in… I need to take the opportunities I have now and embrace them. Memorize them. Save them in my soul for when times get crazy and stressful.

The next chance you have to enjoy your world. Take it. Put down the phone. Close the laptop. Just BE. It’s amazing.

Kitten update

I have a very good excuse for not blogging yesterday: I mowed the lawn. The whole lawn. With a push mower. And it was 89 degrees outside. Yes, I’ve mowed the lawn back at my parents house in hotter temps, but I was also on a riding mower. Much lower impact.

So after mowing the lawn, my butt was kicked and I laid on the couch most of the rest of the day. It wasn’t until around 1 AM that I stopped radiating heat out of the top of my head. Crazy.

To make up for the lack of blog post, I bring you pictures of the kitten and a quick update.

Everything is great! He and Bailey have made friends, and much of the day I don’t even see either of them as they are off playing. Though I saw the kitten REALLY well when he jumped up and landed IN my salad I’d made and was eating on the couch. I was not happy, but now find it funny.

Anyway… I’ll hush and let you see a little bit of the entertainment that my cats provide.

Bailey and Smokey
Run Smokey, he's after you!
Bailey and Smokey
"Why, I outta..."
Bailey and Smokey
All tuckered out
Who is that napping with me?
Enough with the pics, kay?