Category Archives: drinkuplinkup

#DrinkUpLinkUp — Cupcake Angel Food

Angel Food Cupcake WineSome nights I just want a glass of wine. Last week, I battled terrible insomnia, and one night as I laid staring at the ceiling I went, “I would loooooooooooooooove a glass of wine right now.”

The liquor store closest to my house does 10% off all wines on Mondays (which basically comes out to being tax free with our high sales tax here.) I went in and went straight to the cupcake wine display. I absolutely LOVE their Red Velvet wine (and I am NOT a red wine fan in general) and had been dying to try their Angel Food wine. I did a little dance to find it available, and I MIGHT have kinda danced to the register. (I’ll never confirm or deny.)

After a night of house work, I settled in with a glass of my purchase.

I was very surprised! Pleasantly so. To me, it was nice and sweet, but it had a dry finish. Not unlike an actual angel food cake.

Confession… I drank over 3/4ths of the bottle in one night. Going to sleep was NOT a problem that night!*


 Wine glass



*I don’t recommend using alcohol to help you go to sleep. While I fell asleep easily, I didn’t STAY asleep… which is exactly a danger of going that route for sleep. The next night I just did a hot shower, turning off the tv early, and reading before bed. Best sleep in ages.

#DrinkUpLinkUp — Dock 57 Blackberry Whisky

Every year, the bar I work at holds a “Christmas Decorating Party” where we all bring in little bottles of liquor, the bar provides mixer, and we “drink your ornament.” (See my blog about it here.)

One of the little bottles I grabbed at the liquor store was Canadian Club Dock 57 Blackberry Whisky.

Hmmm… another flavored whisky. I like blackberries. I’ve no opinion about Canadian Club in general. So. Why not?

When I opened the little bottle, I poured some in a shot glass and passed it around to a few friends. All said it tasted good! You could taste the blackberry heavily, and I know you could smell it without even bringing the bottle to your nose.

I mixed the rest of the bottle with 7-Up, and it made just a nice fruity drink. If you’d given it to me without telling me it was Whisky, I’d have never known. That fact alone is a plus and a minus to this whisky.

I would call this a “women’s whisky.” Oh don’t get mad at me. I know PLENTY of women who can slam back shots of Jack, Jim and Crown without even blinking. I’m one of them. But on average, women tend to gravitate to fruitier, lighter liquors.  Think the many flavored vodkas that exist today. I would actually lump this whisky right in the middle of those.

It’s 40 Proof. It’s light. Its heavy on the blackberry. It would be good hanging out by the pool, not sitting around a fire.
