Category Archives: family

A little bit of then, now

Last night, my parents and I traveled to Houston, TX to see my husband do a show at a dance hall. It had been a long time since I’d set foot in a real dance hall.

 Joe Diffie at Tumbleweed Texas

As we walked in the doors, I had this strange sense of going back in time. I was transported years, remembering many shows at Texas dance halls to see my now-husband doing shows. The last several years, I’ve only seen my husband perform in theaters or at festivals. A club or dance hall… its been at least three years.

I almost forgot the charm and vibe of a Texas dance hall. Its seriously something special, and walking in felt a little weird. But it also felt like pulling on a comfortable old pair of boots.

Joe Diffie at Tumbleweed Texas

I found myself remembering (and missing) dancing with my girlfriends. I did get to sneak a couple dances with my husband at least, which was SUCH a treat. And getting to spend the evening with my parents… always priceless memories and times that I love.


The show was great, and I found myself walking the line between being there as a music fan and being there as part of the crew. I enjoyed the show, but I also watched the crowd. I held my breath when the new single was performed, hoping for a positive reaction. But I also sang along, since I absolutely love it myself.

Joe Diffie at Tumbleweed Texas
But of course, I was there for one guy. It doesn’t matter the artist. It doesn’t matter how many years we’re married. I’m his biggest fan, and I’ll come to as many shows as I can to support him and see him do his thing.

It’s fun, and sometimes we get wrapped up in paying bills, making appointments, doing the job. Sometimes you gotta remember and take a little bit of back when and bring it into now.

Five on Friday: Daddy

Sunday is Father’s Day, but I thought I’d get a head start and make this Friday’s Five be about my Dad.

1. My dad is giving and big-hearted. He’d do anything for his family, and that’s a fact I treasure and sleep peacefully at night knowing. He’s taught me to stand on my own two feet, helping me be an independent woman who knows what to expect from others and myself, but I also know if I fall he’ll be there to catch me. There’s a comfort in that… a comfort I could never put into words.


2. There’s an E-card that reads, “It’s not that my standards are too high, it’s just that my daddy set an amazing example for how a man should treat me.” Yup. That pretty much sums it up right there.


3. I’m 32 years old, and I still call Dad for advice and his opinion. His thoughts are priceless to me, and I’m never too old to need his guidance. I’m extra blessed to know when he gives me his advice, he’ll still respect whatever decision I may make in a situation… even if it goes against what he advised. (Though… really? The chances of that happening are pretty slim.)


4. In so many ways, I am my Daddy’s daughter. Not only am I total Daddy’s girl, I am following in his footsteps of wanting to be self-employed. I have a lot of the same tastes, and my sense of humor definitely comes from him. I can’t listen to all those Daddy-daughter songs without getting teary. The other night, the Dixie Chicks song, “Wide Open Spaces” came on… and I still got a bit choked up at the line, “As her folks drive away, her dad yells, ‘Check the oil.'”


5. “No tears,” he said. “No promises,” I responded.


