Category Archives: point of view


When I was studying journalism, I can clearly remember being quite amused by how easy it was to slant a story to say pretty much whatever I wanted it to say. Fast forward to today and that slanting of a story just frustrates me, because it is so rampant in today’s media in general.

I’m proud of the fact that I have a journalism degree. But I’m often ashamed of the field these days.

I can vaguely remember in high school being told at some point that the press was often considered the fourth branch of government.  You have the judicial branch. You have the executive branch. You have the legislative branch. But you also have the press, who is there to hold the other three accountable — who is there to keep the government’s actions transparent to the American people. And while I never was interested in covering government or political issues, I still took that angle of the journalism field very seriously. I still saw that job of the press as being a very noble and important function. Frankly, I still do.

I would describe myself politically is pretty much right down the middle. A friend of mine often says she’s a little left of center. I respond that I’m a little right of center. I think that’s part of what makes us good friends, because we see eye to eye on a lot but respectfully disagree on others.

We respectfully disagree. Remember that.

Perhaps my being more middle of the road is a big part of why I like journalism. I want facts. I like to get down to the bottom of the story. I want to know the who, what, where, when, why and how. People have been known to point out that there seems to be no end to my ability to find stuff out.

I don’t much like opinions, though. They leave me bound up and stressed out. ESPECIALLY in the political world. I don’t want the right attacking the left. I don’t want the left attacking the right. I want the facts about what is happening today. I want people to realize that I’m smart enough to make my own decisions.

I have friends from both ends of the political spectrum. I have strong opinionated liberals I consider dear friends. In the exact same breath I have very strong staunch conservatives that I also consider dear friends. I don’t think either one is wrong. I think this world is big enough for both sides. I just wish we all could acknowledge that we aren’t going to agree on a lot of things. If we could just respectfully disagree.

It’s hard to wade through the slanted media articles to get to the bottom of the story these days.  So-and-so said this. So-and-so did that. He took my doll. She called me a bad name. This woman is an idiot. This guy thinks he knows it all. Between left and right, black and white, male and female, north and south, Christians and atheists… We’re so divided these days it hurts my heart. We can’t seem to respectfully disagree anymore. The stance is all too often, “If you don’t agree with me, you are against me.”

Journalism is feeding that discontent day in and day out.

Discontent sells. Discontent gets more clicks. Sometimes I feel like watching the news or reading it online is like driving down the interstate and coming up on an accident.

The accident isn’t it in your lanes. It’s not even on your side of the interstate. But traffic is going to come to a crawl, as we all turn and rubberneck, searching for someone to blame for this distress.

Searching for someone to blame for our distress. Isn’t that what we’re always doing? Meanwhile we are so busy looking at the accident on the other side of the interstate, we’ve missed the fact that we’re about to cause another accident on our side.

You can apply this same principle to our political leanings.  We’re so busy pointing fingers at the other side, we’re not looking closely at what we’re doing on our own side. We’re so busy butting heads that we don’t see what we actually agree on anymore. We no longer seem to ever respectfully disagree.

And I’ll be honest, I blame the media for a lot of this. Because discontent does sell. People often aren’t mad about something until they’re told they’re supposed to be mad about it. Maybe if people got strictly the facts. Maybe if people got both sides of a story. Maybe they’d have to make their own decisions. And, within that, maybe we’d all find ourselves a little more understanding and tolerant of each other.



The remedy

A few weeks ago, I decided to check out the new Zac Brown Band album online. One song on the album made me hit repeat. Then repeat again. Then repeat again. Then go buy the album just so I could have this song with me absolutely any time and anywhere I go.

(Zac Brown, Wyatt Durrette, Niko Moon, Kevin R Moore)

I’ve been looking for a sound
That makes my heart sing
Been looking for a melody
That makes the church bells ring
Not looking for the fame
Or the fortune it might bring
In love, in music, in life

Jesus preached the golden rule
Buddha taught it too
Gandhi said eye for an eye
Makes the whole world go blind
With a little understanding
We can break these chains that we’ve been handed
I’ve got the medication
Love is the remedy

Pray to be stronger and wiser
Know you get what you give
Love one another
Amen, amen

I’ve been thinking about the mark
That I’ll be leaving
Been looking for a truth
I can believe in
I got everything I need
Let this heart be my guide
In love, in music, in life

I’m not saying I’m a wise man
Heaven knows there’s much that I’m still finding
Making my way down this winding road
Holding on to what I love
Yeah, and leaving the rest behind
For love, for music, for life

Pray to be stronger and wiser
Know you get what you give
Love one another

We’re all in this world together
Life’s a gift that we have to treasure
Happiness, now that is the measure
Love is the remedy

Everyone can be forgiven
One love and one religion
Open up your heart and listen
Love is the remedy

Pray to be stronger and wiser
And know you get what you give
God is love one another
Amen, amen, amen

Image created using Photofy App

This last week I’ve purposely kept quiet about all the many social issues going on, and I will continue to do so here. Why? Because I don’t feel like I need to input any opinion on something I don’t feel knowledgeable enough about to back up said opinion in a social realm. So, I do the whole, “Better to keep quiet and thought an idiot than to open your mouth and prove it.”

Here’s what I DO know, though. I know that my heart has ached a lot this week, because on every single side of every single issue I’ve seen intolerance and anger. I’ve quietly felt attacked reading other’s words, even when I’ve agreed with them.  I’ve quietly felt bullied in a world of, “Either you agree with me or are against me!” even when I’ve agreed silently.

Frankly, as we fight a world of hate, we’ve come to fight it with hate. And that’s most certainly NOT the answer.

I said from the beginning of the year that my motto for 2015 is, “So much love.” Love makes me happy. Love makes the world a better place. LOVE IS THE REMEDY.

God knows I can be cynical and quite snarky at times. I live in Nashville and have ties into the music industry. Consider cynacism and snark a negative side effect of this life. But I challenge everyone this weekend to step back. Hold that snark back for a second. And choose love instead. God said to love your enemies. You don’t have to love what someone does. You don’t have to love what someone says. You don’t even have to love what they stand for. But take a moment and realize everyone deserves love. And God knows that right now we need love in general more than ever.

Dear friends, let us love one another,
for love comes from God.
Everyone who loves
has been born of God and knows God.
1 John 4:7 NIV