Five on Friday: Things I am looking forward to…

When things get a little overwhelming (as they did this week for awhile) I often stop and think about things I’m looking forward to doing in the future.  (All within the next 45 days!)

1. COLOR RUN! I signed up this week for my very first 5K. Super excited for it, as its been on my “bucket list” for awhile. I’m no runner, but I have wanted to try a 5K for awhile. Why not doing the happiest 5K on the planet?? With friends, to boot! I better get to doing  little training in the next month so it doesn’t kill me dead.

2. New Orleans, LA. I have a dear friend from high school getting married in October, and her wedding is in NOLA. This, too, is on my “bucket list.” (Hey, wait, I’m going to knock two things off my bucket list soon? That’s a little creepy…) Still working out a lot of logistics of the trip, but its happening, dammit. I can NOT pass up this chance to go to New Orleans!

3. Vacation? I have some days blocked out coming up to potentially get outta town for a few days with my husband. Just get away. From everything. And relax. And enjoy each other. Determined to make this happen.

4. A quick trip to Texas. Wow, a lot of travel going on in this list. But I am Texas-bound again soon. I have a dental appointment AND its my brothers 40th birthday. This is coming up FAST and its hard to fathom it. But I’m looking forward to it, too.

5. Getting past things on my to do list and being able to return my focus on things that really make me happy: photography and writing. I’ve let both slip to the back burner and that’s not right… I should focus more on what makes me feel most alive and less on the mundane. Look forward to getting back to that.



I need a vacation

I hate it when people say, “I need a vacation.” Mostly because I’ve found the people saying it are the same ones who JUST went on vacation.

But. I need a vacation.

I’m spent. I’m overwhelmed, and I’m spent right now. I have three projects on my to do list that have been there almost two months now, both of which should have theoretically been able to be done within a couple days. But instead, due to this or that or this or that have sat unfinished for way too long. These are projects I can get paid for, but with every passing day I don’t feel right about charging what I normally would due to my lack (or at least slow progress) of productivity.

I’m frustrated and overwhelmed. And just when I think I’m finally getting ahead (and I dare to take a day to clean my house and go on a date with my husband) the next day new things get dropped into my lap and I just want to cry. Like today.

I need a vacation.

I need a reset. I need to step away from everything for a few days and then come back to it fresh. Maybe then I won’t feel so overwhelmed and that alone won’t hold me back from finishing. It sounds good in theory at least.

Then again, maybe I’ll get a burst of productivity and inspiration in a couple days and all this whining will be for naught. But for now, I just want to vent a little bit. That alone makes me feel a little better.

It WILL all get done. Maybe not at the pace I prefer, but I won’t give up and it will get done. This I know for sure.

But I still need a vacation.

 Oregon - July 2012