Tag Archives: friends

Stages of life

Yesterday was the first day of school for most schools in Texas. (School started here in Tennessee a couple weeks ago.) Being from Texas, over half of my friends on Facebook are old friends and classmates there. Its the thing I love about Facebook: keeping up with old friends.

I was amazed how many of my classmates from high school had kids starting Kindergarten! Post after post after post of “first day of school” photos on my wall. I loved it, but it also made me sit back and really ponder stages of life.

Just last night, we had friends over for dinner and visiting. I had one of those moments that made me take stock of life. Sometimes, I wonder what its going to be like to “grow up.”

Despite being married over five years. Despite having a home of my own, paying my bills, going to work, etc. I still feel young! I AM young! I’m an adult making adult decisions, but I still feel young. But last night, hosting friends, I had a moment of, “This is my house. This is my life. I am an adult. Wow.”

Then I sat down at my laptop and saw so many classmates sending their kids off to school. And once again, I had to look at life. We’re the same age, but we are definitely at different stages of life. It doesn’t make them “older” or “more mature” than I am. They’re just on a different path, and I am SO happy for them.

The grass is not greener on their side. It’s not greener on my side. It’s all about living our own lives our own ways: and that right there is what make us all adults. To me, we are all still so young, but we are also all grown up taking each stage of life at our own paces.

Remembering in-depth conversations

Sometimes, when I look at Facebook, I find myself remembering in-depth conversations with friends from way back when.

Take today. I was just perusing my “hometown-based” friends filter (seriously, if you’re a casual Facebooker and get frustrated keeping up with friends, try filters; they’re awesome) and with every face, so familiar yet aged 15 years+, I found myself remembering conversations. Some in the dark of a “yella-dog” (school bus) on the way home from a football game. Some in the school parking lot. Others through the tears of broken hearts.

We’ve all grown so much since then… since when we thought these dramas would end our worlds.

Some are married with kids. Others happily single. All with those conversations long-forgotten.

Sometimes, like today, I long to have another in-depth conversation with these old friends. How are they? Tell me about your life. Tell me all about what’s happened with you since those long-ago conversations.

Facebook only shows us what we all want others to see. It doesn’t share a person’s heart. It doesn’t share their thoughts and hopes. It doesn’t truly share the things only a long one-on-one conversation can share.

Just because these friends have long-ago left my life, they’ve never left my heart. Maybe they’ve changed a lot. Maybe today we WOULDN’T be friends. But I still remember them. I still remember who they were. And they all touched my life, and I still hope the best for them.

So here is to all the old friends… the ones you still love every day, even if you may never see them again in your life.