Tag Archives: humor

Do I have a cat or a dog?

BaileyThe other night, I decided my cat is part dog.

I was sound asleep, when I felt my cat pounce on my legs. Now, this isn’t unusual at night when he decides he wants to snuggle. But this was different. This was with playful intent. Following the pounce was the jingle of a bell and a “merrrrr-ow!”

He wants to play.

I want to sleep.

Without opening my eyes, I sat up and fumbled around for the offending toy… and I tossed it out the door. The cat practically spun out trying to chase it.

I settled back to drift back off to sleep. I was almost there when, “OOmph!!” I was pounced on again, complete with bell jingle and mew.

Oh, so now my cat plays fetch, huh?

I must have groaned out loud or something, because my husband asked what was wrong.

“Apparently, our cat is now a dog,” I said grumpily.

I grabbed the toy and threw it as hard as I could… hearing it hit something with a thud in the next room.

The cat never came back, and I discovered the next day that my toss wedged the toy between the wall and a box. SCORE! The cat couldn’t get to his toy so he COULDN’T bring it back.

I think I’m going to start putting his toys away at night. No more games of mid-night fetch for me!

More moving discoveries

I’m giddy. I have Internet again in my home. This is a big deal as I’ve not been able to work in a week! But now I am back and ready to get back to “normal.”

As we’ve settled into our new home, though, I’ve made a lot of fun discoveries outside of the ones I posted about previously. I’ve opened boxes to find amusing little keepsakes that half make you wonder why you still have them, half glad you still do. For example, I found a silly keychain size travel Candy Land game. My husband arched his eyebrow at it, but for me it make me laugh with memories.

I found my tassel from high school senior year that hung from my rear-view mirror of my truck back them. Faded and battered, it still holds a special place in my life. As does a keychain with a poem about friendship I found in the same box. I can still remember exactly who gave it to me and when.

We have discovered that all of our furniture has a place in this house, making us go, “Guess it was meant to be!” I am sitting at our desk right now as I write this. An old corner-stand that made the trip up from Texas holds my old TV I got as a high school graduation gift. I’m happy to report we have cable again, so the Jets-Colts game is playing in the background. Interestingly, in this small office the desk and stand fit perfectly in place. I can’t wait to get pictures hung on the wall and really settle in here.

As we’ve talked with friends, we realize how much closer we now live to all our closest friends. There is a great comfort in knowing that when my husband goes on the road, I now have probably 10 people I could call for help… and they could be here in 10 minutes or less. What a great discovery we have right there!

Finally, we discovered our old coffee maker died. The house we had been renting came with a wonderful coffee machine that we had to leave behind. I guess over the last three years, the machine we had ourselves just gave out. We not only went three or four days without Internet and cable, we also went without coffee.  I think that was harder to do than not having Internet!! But, luckily, that has been remedied with a new coffee maker that should keep our home a happy one.