Tag Archives: NaBloPoMo

I have a good excuse

I almost made it through NaBloPoMo without missing a day. Almost. I missed yesterday. However, I have a good excuse.

Sunday night, my husband and I hit the road from Texas to Tennessee. I had intended to write about our trip on Monday, since it was 13.5 hours long and surely it would make for a semi-interesting post. We drove from 8:30 pm to 10 am the next morning, successfully running behind the mad Thanksgiving day traffic for the last 12 hours of the drive.

After that many hours on the road, though, my muse was sleeping. Writing just wasn’t going to happen. So I figured I would get some sleep, then write when I got up.

Instead, I slept a lot longer than I meant to, and I hit the floor running. We had invited friends over for the evening, and our house was void of any food other than a couple cans of soup. So it was shower, grocery store, home, and cook.

It was a great choice to have friends over, though. We had SO  much fun just eating frozen pizza and decorating little liquor bottles into Christmas ornaments. It wasn’t until they headed home that I realized I’d missed posting the entire day.

Oh well, I decided. It was okay to miss a day writing about life just to live it for awhile.

Happy moments

What has been the happiest moment of your life thus far? –Nablopomo Prompt

Life is made up of moments. Happy moments. Sad moments. Indifferent moments. Moments you wish you could get back and change. Moments you wish you could relive over and over and over again.

Picking a happiest moment is HARD, so I am totally cheating. Thought I’d talk about some of my happiest moments — plural — instead. (In no particular order!!)

My Wedding Day — OF COURSE! It fell together so perfectly. There were hiccups, but those just make the day even more special. Those are the ones we laugh about today. We smile about the light rain the fell ever so briefly after the ceremony. We tear up remembering those who couldn’t be there with us (specifically my husband’s Mom). And over all — one of my happiest days of my life. (OK, its THE happiest day!)

Graduation — August 15, 2003. I graduated from Texas A&M University. A dream come true!!!! I am an Aggie and I have the diploma on the wall to show I’m not just a fan. I am alumni!

State winner — Freshmen year. Winning 2nd place in state competition for Headline Writing. SO SURREAL. TOO COOL!

Engagement — Dang seagulls! Distracted me while my now-husband got down on  one knee. AND SO MANY PEOPLE KNEW! How on earth did everyone keep such a secret!? AHHHH! And I didn’t say,”Yes.” No. I said, “Of course.”

It’s that moment its all just perfect — Its a fleeting moment I remember from high school. When our half-time performance just CLICKED. It felt great. You knew it WAS great. And it ended with a standing ovation from a crowd that usually couldn’t care less about the band. Oh what a RUSH!

It’s a boy! Then it’s a girl! –  My nephew and my niece are soooo lights in my world. I look forward to having my own kids, but until this… I’ll just try to spoil these two as much as possible!

Just some average day — When I take a day to set all my worries aside. Maybe its a day I can go for a drive in the sunshine, with the windows down. Or maybe its a day on the couch watching the rain fall. It matters none. Sometimes the most average day can be one of the happiest.