Tag Archives: random musings

Five on Friday: Notes from the week

1. Had another great Road Widows meet up on Monday night. Back down to the first three ladies, but that’s okay! It was low-key but still an amazing couple hours of therapy as we go into the winter months when things slow down a little bit. (Or at least it usually does…)

2. I cracked a temporary crown. Okay, it broke. In half. And its right up front. My right canine tooth to be specific. Thankfully I already have an appointment to get the permanent crown next week. Unfortunately its NEXT WEEK, which  means my temporary fix on the temporary crown has to last about six days longer than the temporary dental cement says it should last. Can we say babying it and obsessively checking to make sure the fix is holding? Because that’s pretty much my life right now. And its left me in a certain level of depression, because I just can’t be myself right now. It’s difficult to talk right (you don’t realize how often your tongue hits the back of your front teeth until you can’t do that!) and eating has become very creative. I’m just kinda withdrawn right now due to it, and I apologize to everyone I deal with that notices. I’ll be back to normal in about a week!

3. I got to do a photoshoot of a beautiful family on Sunday. I finished editing them last night, and I am so in love with this family and these photos. I’ve also been seeing more and more of my photos popping up on the Facebook pages of people I’ve done photoshoots for and it just makes me so excited and giddy and happy and excited and… I said that twice to make the point. SO excited about where my photography is going! MUST get my professional website up PRONTO. Oh, and this was where we did the photos on Sunday…


4. I’m fighting this push to rush Christmas. I don’t want to lose sight of Thanksgiving! But I did get a smile when I got my first Red Cup at Starbucks yesterday, and I might have been looking at Pinterest for decorating ideas to do something different this year.

5. I’ve been enjoying this phase on Facebook of people getting a number and having to share that number of facts about themselves. I’m not commenting or liking lest I get a number and HAVE to play. But I’m enjoying learning more about my friends a LOT.

Let’s just talk for a minute…

I missed a second Photo Share Sunday and my first Make it Happen Monday. I think I had a good excuse: being under the weather. Sucks to wake up on Sunday to a swollen face in such a way I couldn’t tell if it was a bad tooth or a sinus infection. Either way, I needed antibiotics immediately. Thanks to the people at Care Spot – Hermitage I got antibiotics and two shots.

You might ask how I couldn’t tell what it was… well its because I’m in the process of lots of dental work already and none of my teeth had been hurting, but I’ve swollen up like that before from massive sinus infection in the past. And, really, even dentists and doctors have a hard time telling the difference sometimes since the maxillary sinus and the back molar roots are right up against each other. I was fully aware that either way, being where it was located was NOTHING to “wait out.” Too many dangers of it spreading, and the sinuses and teeth are too damn close to the brain to take any chances.

I’ve laid around a lot the last 36 hours…

I am elated to report that the antibiotics are finally taking control and I am feeling human again. And I can mostly smile normal. (When half your face it swollen, your smile ends up being pretty lopsided.) I’ll take it and all the antibiotics I got. I want this gone for good!

But, its funny how getting sick makes you act the way you should all the time. I’m drinking water like its the best thing on Earth (because it IS), brushing my teeth after everything I eat, and when I DO eat its nothing sugary or too salty, etc. In other words, I’m eating right. Maybe if I stick with this regimen the entire time I am on antibiotics (two weeks!) it’ll once again become habit. That would be a REALLY good thing.

I’ve not done much photo sharing lately, as I have my Lightroom tied up with wedding photos. I had hoped to have them done already (I’m an over achiever, but I like to get them out within a week)… but it looks like it might take a lil longer than that. Hey, nothing gets me motivated to get the job done as not being able to edit my every-day photos!

Anyway, that’s a general update on me, since I  missed the last two days! I have a lot of projects in the works right now, but its all exciting and good stuff. Can’t wait to share as I get done!