I’ll be honest, Thanksgivings growing up kind of blurs together in my memory with Christmas. I remember going to Grandma and Grandpa’s house. And I remember watching the Texas A&M vs Texas game each year. And probably the Cowboy’s game. But, again, it all kind of blurs together, detail-wise.
But here is what doesn’t blur over time: That feeling of family. That feeling of love. That warm feeling in my heart that both bring. I remember turkey, dressing, green bean casserole, and lots of kolaches. I remember not having school and my parents not going to work that day. I remember construction paper turkeys, and I remember dressing up as a pilgrim a time or two.
As years passed, I remember ATTENDING the Texas A&M vs Texas game on Thanksgiving. And years later I remember making my own turkey and dressing so my husband could head out on the road with an early evening bus call. I’ve spent Thanksgiving surrounded by friends who are like family when we couldn’t make the trip to Texas or Oregon to be with family.
Thanksgiving has morphed as I’ve gotten older, but one thing that has not changed: it’s about love, thanks, and taking stock of my many, many blessings.
The one thing I refuse… I REFUSE… to let into Thanksgiving: shopping.
I can’t do it. I just can’t. Sometimes you need a few groceries… okay, I can go with that. And maybe you need to eat out instead of cooking at home. Or you need gas. But Christmas shopping… I just can’t do it. I didn’t like when “Black Friday” started at midnight, but now it starts as early as 5 pm Thanksgiving day. This just feels wrong to me.
I know many people who participate in Black Friday shopping. And that’s fine. That’s their thing. It doesn’t mean its mine. I’d rather stay home eating good food, enjoying the people I am with, watching some football and/or a movie… perhaps I’ll even decorate for Christmas. Hot coffee, the fire place, my cats and some baked goods. That just sounds AMAZING to me.
Some people get pleasure from it and get this adrenaline high of making the sales and being in the rush. Shopping to them sounds amazing. But, from my point of view, I don’t want to push and shove and leave hating humanity and feeling guilty for abusing my bank account. That doesn’t make me feel thankful. It makes me feel nothing but negative. Forgive me if I pass, and if I wrinkle my nose at you if you decide to go shop. It’s just not my thing.
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