Category Archives: general-post

Domestically, Me

Something amazing happened in the last few days.

We went to the grocery store, and I got all the laundry done.

This should NOT be shocking, but it is. I’ve been running so much lately that I’ve both just not had time to get the stuff done, and I’ve just not had the interest.

Groceries… well. I usually enjoy grocery shopping, but fighting people at the store just left me going, “I don’t wanna!” So we ended up eating out a lot. And I started to get creative with breakfast when we were out of bread, milk and eggs. (Did you know you can make a pretty yummy apple crunch thing with Cheerios, butter, cinnamon and chopped apple? Yup. You can. I know. I made it for breakfast one day out of desperation. Take THAT Chopped.)

My husband wanted to go to the store. I didn’t. But finally we had a day we could go, and I had run out of excuses to avoid it. So we went. And I am now glad to say that I can make numerous meals right here at home! And that… that makes the grocery store run worth it.

As for laundry… ugh. I don’t hate doing laundry, but my washer and dryer are in the basement. Its good in that it makes me climb those stairs and get some exercise. Its bad because I just don’t do so good with it. I forget there’s a load running when I DO do the laundry. Otherwise, its like… I just… no.

So as a result of my lack of interest and lack of time, I’d get a load washed here or there. Usually when there was some item my husband or I am looking to wear. However, this weekend… the pile of laundry was ridiculously overflowing the hamper, and I was out of clean jeans and had worn the same bra three days in a row. (Yes, I admit it. I did.) We were at a dire level.

Last night, seven loads — SEVEN LOADS — went through the washer and dryer. Clothes were folded or hung up. And they were all actually put away in their proper places. This too is huge, as we have a bad habit of leaving clothes in a basket and picking through it through the week. But not this time. Nooo… this time we conquered the laundry and we won.

We even did all the dishes and put those away, too.

I used to be on top of these tasks, and maybe this is the first step to getting back on top of them all. And maybe… maybe I need to enjoy this brief moment of order in my home life before chaos of Christmas completely takes over.

Work hard

Hard work makes me happy.

I still remember when I was maybe 10 or 11 (maybe?) and Mom had me vacuum. Something strange happened… instead of hating it, I found myself smiling. I remember commenting to her that somehow it made me happy to be doing that work. I think it was the first time I realized how much joy can come from working.

Tonight, I decided to tackle some major house cleaning. As I scrubbed the bathroom, then went on to use the carpet cleaner on long-time stains on our living room run, I felt that same feeling of peace and joy I felt vacuuming way back when.

I like to work hard. I garner great joy from a job done well! Be it physical work (like cleaning) or mental work (like page design), it makes me feel so good. It’s so much more satisfying to earn your wages or just get to enjoy sitting back and admiring what you’ve done, than it is to have something handed to you. At least that’s how I feel…