Tag Archives: joy

Bring yourself joy

When I saw what this month’s NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) theme is, I knew I had to participate.


Dec 1: What do you do when you’re down to bring yourself a little joy?

Thankfully, I’m generally a happy person already, and I don’t let much get me down. But to bring myself a little joy, I…

  • Vent! Don’t bottle up what’s bothering me. Vent to my husband, my best friend, my Mom, coworkers or even just throw it on Twitter. Leaning on those around me is an awesome help. Get the negative out to let the joy back in!
  • Treat myself. I am not a retail therapy kind of girl. In fact shopping stresses me out and usually depresses me more because I spent hard-earned money. But I have zero problem grabbing a coffee at a coffee shop. Or maybe I paint my nails (even buying a new color to do so.) Grab dinner out with my husband or with “the girls.” I just do something that I might not normally do. (Okay so the coffee thing is borderline a daily occurrence. Don’t judge. Its my vice…)
  • Escape into the arts. Listen to music. Go take pictures. Dance. Art of any sort is a natural and total upper for me.

Those are just a few ways I make myself feel better when I am down… What’s yours?

Work hard

Hard work makes me happy.

I still remember when I was maybe 10 or 11 (maybe?) and Mom had me vacuum. Something strange happened… instead of hating it, I found myself smiling. I remember commenting to her that somehow it made me happy to be doing that work. I think it was the first time I realized how much joy can come from working.

Tonight, I decided to tackle some major house cleaning. As I scrubbed the bathroom, then went on to use the carpet cleaner on long-time stains on our living room run, I felt that same feeling of peace and joy I felt vacuuming way back when.

I like to work hard. I garner great joy from a job done well! Be it physical work (like cleaning) or mental work (like page design), it makes me feel so good. It’s so much more satisfying to earn your wages or just get to enjoy sitting back and admiring what you’ve done, than it is to have something handed to you. At least that’s how I feel…